Fundraising for Long-Legged Jeans/Pants Pilot Project- Support Us!
This is a pilot project and it needs your support so urgently. There will be benefits/ rewards for your support!
Here is the story behind it…
“I hate shopping for pants! So do my younger and older long-legged friends. “Go in the ‘Tall’ section!” is what we’re told.
Same style as the regular pants? Nah!
This is why we’re launching this pilot project. Keeping it simple for a start. We will keep building upon it as we go. Hey, join us on this adventure!!!
Yes, there are several stores that have made effort to avail jeans (and pants) for women with long legs. However, most of the time when we head to to this section, we rarely find the same style pants that we saw in the regular section. If one is lucky enough to get a real stylish pair that fits, they are most likely more pricey.
NationJC Inc. wants to make this dream a reality for women facing this problem…"
To learn more about this project and to support it, please go to
Thank you!